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- Volume 15, Issue 44, 04/Nov/2010
Eurosurveillance - Volume 15, Issue 44, 04 November 2010
Volume 15, Issue 44, 2010
- Rapid communications
Cohort study of a campylobacteriosis outbreak associated with chicken liver parfait, United Kingdom, June 2010
In an outbreak of 24 cases of gastroenteritis among guests at a wedding reception, 13 cases had confirmed Campylobacter infection. In a cohort study, univariate analysis revealed a strong association with consumption of chicken liver parfait: risk ratio (RR): 30.08, 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.34-208.44, p<0.001, which remained after adjustment for potential confounders in a multivariable model: RR=27.8, 95% CI=3.9-199.7, p=0.001. These analyses strongly support the hypothesis that this outbreak was caused by the consumption of chicken liver parfait.
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
National outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium (Dutch) phage-type 132 in the Netherlands, October to December 2009
J Whelan , H Noel , I Friesema , A Hofhuis , C M de Jager , M Heck , A Heuvelink and W van PeltBetween October and December 2009, 23 cases of Salmonella Typhimurium (Dutch) phage type 132, each with an identical multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) profile (02-20-08-11-212), were reported from across the Netherlands. A case-control study was conducted using the food-consumption component of responses to a routine population-based survey as a control group. The mean age of cases was 17 years (median: 10 years, range: 1-68). Sixteen cases were aged 16 years or under. Raw or undercooked beef products were identified as the probable source of infection. Consumers, in particular parents of young children, should be reminded of the potential danger of eating raw or undercooked meat. .
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- Research articles
Differences in national influenza vaccination policies across the European Union, Norway and Iceland 2008-2009
In 2009 the second cross-sectional web-based survey was undertaken by the Vaccine European New Integrated Collaboration Effort (VENICE) project across 27 European Union (EU) member states (MS), Norway and Iceland (n=29) to determine changes in official national seasonal influenza vaccination policies since a survey undertaken in 2008 and to compare the estimates of vaccination coverage between countries using data obtained from both surveys. Of 27 responding countries, all recommended vaccination against seasonal influenza to the older adult population. Six countries recommended vaccination of children aged between six months and <18 years old. Most countries recommended influenza vaccination for those individuals with chronic medical conditions. Recommendations for vaccination of healthcare workers (HCW) in various settings existed in most, but not all countries. Staff in hospitals and long-term care facilities were recommended vaccination in 23 countries, and staff in out-patient clinics in 22 countries. In the 2009 survey, the reported national estimates on vaccine coverage varied by country and risk group, ranging from 1.1% - 82.6% for the older adult population; to between 32.9% -71.7% for clinical risk groups; and from 13.4% -89.4% for HCW. Many countries that recommend the influenza vaccination do not monitor the coverage in risk groups. In 2008 and 2009 most countries recommended influenza vaccination for the main risk groups. Hovewer, despite general consensus and recommendations for vaccination of high risk groups many countries do not achieve high coverage in these groups. The reported vaccination coverage still needs to be improved in order to achieve EU and World Health Organization goals.
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- Perspectives
Guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis of genital herpes in eastern European countries
These guidelines aim to provide comprehensive information about sexually transmitted herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and its laboratory diagnosis in eastern European countries. They are primarily intended for professionals testing specimens from patients at a sexual healthcare clinic but may also be helpful for community-based screening programmes. In particular, the guidelines recommend: (i) either viral culture or validated and approved nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) as the tests of choice for symptomatic patients, which should be promoted for laboratory confirmation of HSV infection; (ii) if culture or NAATs are not available, antigen detection - a direct immunofluorescence test or enzyme immunoassay from samples from symptomatic patients - could be employed, but HSV type determination is of importance; (iii) only type-specific serology should be used for detecting asymptomatic individuals, testing pregnant women at risk of acquiring HSV infection close to delivery, men who have sex with men and people who are HIV positive; (iv) widespread screening for HSV antibodies should be discouraged; and (v) any non-validated diagnostic tests should be validated against a recommended, approved gold standard. .
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