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- Volume 14, Issue 49, 10/Dec/2009
Eurosurveillance - Volume 14, Issue 49, 10 December 2009
Volume 14, Issue 49, 2009
- Rapid communications
Public perceptions in relation to intention to receive pandemic influenza vaccination in a random population sample: evidence from a cross-sectional telephone survey
V Sypsa , T Livanios , M Psichogiou , M Malliori , S Tsiodras , I Nikolakopoulos and A HatzakisA cross-sectional telephone survey on a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Greek households was performed to assess the acceptability of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v vaccine, factors associated with intention to decline and stated reasons for declining vaccination. The survey was initiated the last week of August 2009 (week 35) and is still ongoing (analysis up to week 44). The percentage of participants answering they would 'probably not/definitely not' accept the vaccine increased from 47.1% in week 35 to 63.1% in week 44 (test for trend: p<0.001). More than half of the people which chronic illnesses (53.3%) indicated 'probably not/definitely not'. Factors associated with intention to decline vaccination were female sex, age between 30-64 years, perception of low likelihood of getting infected or of low risk associated with influenza, and absence of household members suffering from chronic illnesses. For the majority of the respondents (59.8%), the main reason for intending to decline vaccination was the belief that the vaccine might not be safe. Promotion of vaccination programmes should be designed taking into account the attitudinal barriers to the pandemic vaccine. .
Behaviours regarding preventive measures against pandemic H1N1 influenza among Italian healthcare workers, October 2009
G La Torre , D Di Thiene , C Cadeddu , W Ricciardi and A BocciaA survey on attitudes and behaviours towards preventive measures against pandemic H1N1 influenza 2009 was carried out during the month of October 2009 in Italy through an online questionnaire adapted to the Italian situation from a similar survey of the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States (US). Results show that the intention to get vaccinated against pandemic H1N1 influenza 2009 is generally low and that there are differences in attitudes and behaviours towards preventive measures against pandemic H1N1 influenza 2009 between physicians and nurses, especially concerning vaccination. Differences relate also to sex, region of residence and marital status.
Behaviour of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in Andalusia, Spain, at the onset of the 2009-10 season
In Andalusia, Spain, the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v virus has spread throughout the community, being the dominant influenza strain in the season so far. The current objective of the Andalusia Health Service is focussed on the mitigation of the health and social impact by appropriate care of the patients at home or in health centres. The 2009-10 seasonal influenza epidemic started early compared with to previous seasons. This article analyses the influenza A(H1N1)v situation in Andalusia until the week 39/2009.
Prolonged shedding of influenza A(H1N1)v virus: two case reports from France 2009
H Fleury , S Burrel , C Balick Weber , R Hadrien , P Blanco , C Cazanave and M DuponWe observed a prolonged shedding of virus 14 and 28 days after symptom onset in two patients with pandemic H1N1 influenza, who did not have immunodepression and were treated with neuraminidase inhibitor. This prolonged shedding was not associated with the emergence of resistance mutation H275Y in the viral neuraminidase gene.
Detection of human norovirus from frozen raspberries in a cluster of gastroenteritis outbreaks
L Maunula , M Roivainen , M Keränen , S Mäkelä , K Söderberg , M Summa , C H von Bonsdorff , M Lappalainen , T Korhonen , M Kuusi and T NiskanenWe describe a cluster of norovirus outbreaks affecting about 200 people in Southern Finland in September and October 2009. All outbreaks occurred after consumption of imported raspberries from the same batch intended for the catering sector. Human norovirus genotype GI.4 was found in frozen raspberries. The berries were served in toppings of cakes in separate catering settings or mixed in curd cheese as a snack for children in a daycare center. The relative risk for consumption of the berry dish was 3.0 (p ≤ 0.05) at the daycare centre. Human norovirus GI.4 was also detected in samples from two patients, and in berries. Both shared identical partial capsid sequences. Based on the results of epidemiological, trace-back and laboratory investigations it was concluded that one particular batch of frozen raspberries was the source of all outbreaks.
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- Research articles
Single-nucleotide polymorphism in the SCCmec-orfX junction distinguishes between livestock-associated MRSA CC398 and human epidemic MRSA strains
A number of real-time PCR assays for direct detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in clinical specimens are targeting staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) right extremity sequences and the S. aureus chromosomal orfX gene sequences located to the right of the SCCmec integration site. When testing 184 MRSA strains of human and animal origin from geographically distinct locations, we identified several characteristic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the SCCmec-orfX junction of livestock-associated (LA) MRSA CC398 which serve as suitable strain markers for screening purposes. Within an assay time of 60 minutes and an additional 10 minutes for the melting curve analysis, all MRSA CC398 isolates were correctly identified by their characteristic Tm value in the commercial LightCycler MRSA Advanced test. Studies to confirm the diagnostic accuracy of the SNP-based strain identification assay with a larger collection of clinical and LA-MRSA strains are ongoing.
Viral hepatitis, HIV, human herpes virus and Treponema pallidum infection in haemodialysis patients from Kosovo, 2005
G L Quaglio , C Pattaro , N Ramadani , L Bertinato , Y Elezi , P Dentico , A Volpe , M Ciotti , G Rezza and G PutotoThe serological status of hepatitis viruses and other infectious diseases in the 66 dialysed patients of one haemodialysis unit in Kosovo were studied, comparing the data with a large group of blood donors and out-patients. All dialysed patients were hepatitis A virus (HAV) positive. Prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B surface antibodies (anti-HBs), and hepatitis B core antibodies (anti-HBc) was 14 of 66, 21% (95% confidence interval (CI): 12-33%), 5 of 66, 8% (95%CI: 5-22%), and 50 of 66, 76% (95%CI: 64-85%), respectively. Antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) prevalence was 57 of 66, 86% (95%CI: 76-94%). No human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive case was found. Prevalence of past herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection was 29% (95%CI: 18-41%). Two patients (3%, 95%CI: 0-10%) were positive for Treponema pallidum and 18% (95%CI: 10-30%) were human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) antibody positive. Four hundred and fifty-two subjects were recruited for comparison. Markers of past HAV infection was associated with haemodialysis (Fisher's exact test p-value=0.037). Dialysed patients were at a higher risk of being HBsAg positive than others: the sex- and age-adjusted odds ratio (OR) was 5.18 (95%CI: 1.87-14.32). Anti-HBc positivity was strongly associated with haemodialysis: the sex- and age-adjusted OR was 6.43 (95%CI: 3.22-12-85). Anti-HCV positivity was 86% and 1% in presence and absence of haemodialysis, respectively. The Fisher's exact test for association proved a strong association between haemodialysis and HCV (p-value<0.0001). The OR for association between haemodialysis and HSV-2 positivity was 3.20 (95%CI: 1.46-7.00). Significant associations were also observed between haemodialysis status and antibodies to Treponema pallidum (Fisher's exact test p-value=0.044). In Kosovo, the prevalence of viral hepatitis infection and other viral infections and Treponema pallidum among dialysed patients is high, indicating major ongoing nosocomial transmission. .
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