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- Volume 11, Issue 5, 01/May/2006
Eurosurveillance - Volume 11, Issue 5, 01 May 2006
Volume 11, Issue 5, 2006
- Editorial
Human H5N1 infections: so many cases – why so little knowledge?
This month edition contains an account of clusters of H5N1 infection in humans in Azerbaijan [1]. The account is doubly rare: It describes the first occasion where the source is seemingly wild birds. Reading what happened is reassuring as the people infected had probably killed and defeathered infected swans. I.e. this was not casual exposure to wild birds but rather qualitatively similar to when humans are intimately exposed to sick domestic poultry, which remains the most potent risk factor (one recent analytic study came up with an odds ratio of 29 [2]).
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- Outbreak report
Two clusters of human infection with influenza A/H5N1 virus in the Republic of Azerbaijan, February–March 2006
A Gilsdorf , N Boxall , V Gasimov , I Agayev , F Mammadzade , P Ursu , E Gasimov , C Brown , S Mardel , D Jankovic , G Pimentel , I Amir Ayoub , E Maher Labib Elassal , C Salvi , D Legros , C Pessoa da Silva , A Hay , R Andraghetti , G Rodier and B GanterFollowing the appearance of influenza A/H5 virus infection in several wild and domestic bird species in the Republic of Azerbaijan in February 2006, two clusters of potential human avian influenza due to A/H5N1 (HAI) cases were detected and reported by the Ministry of Health (MoH) to the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe during the first two weeks of March 2006. On 15 March 2006, WHO led an international team, including infection control, clinical management, epidemiology, laboratory, and communications experts, to support the MoH in investigation and response activities. As a result of active surveillance, 22 individuals, including six deaths, were evaluated for HAI and associated risk infections in six districts. The investigations revealed eight cases with influenza A/H5N1 virus infection confirmed by a WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza and one probable case for which samples were not available. The cases were in two unrelated clusters in Salyan (seven laboratory confirmed cases, including four deaths) and Tarter districts (one confirmed case and one probable case, both fatal). Close contact with and de-feathering of infected wild swans was considered to be the most plausible source of exposure to influenza A/H5N1 virus in the Salyan cluster, although difficulties in eliciting information were encountered during the investigation, because of the illegality of some of the activities that might have led to the exposures (hunting and trading in wild birds and their products). These cases constitute the first outbreak worldwide where wild birds were the most likely source of influenza A/H5N1 virus infection in humans. The rapid mobilisation of resources to contain the spread of influenza A/H5 in the two districts was achieved through collaboration between the MoH, WHO and its international partners. Control activities were supported by the establishment of a field laboratory with real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) capacity to detect influenza A/H5 virus. Daily door-to-door surveillance undertaken in the two affected districts made it unlikely that human cases of influenza A/H5N1 virus infection remained undetected.
A regional outbreak of S. Typhimurium in Denmark and identification of the source using MLVA typing
M Torpdahl , G Sørensen , S Ethelberg , G Sandø , K Gammelgard and L Jannok PorsboIn Denmark, as part of the national laboratory-based surveillance system of human enteric infections, all S. Typhimurium isolates are currently sub-typed using phage typing, antibiogram typing, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). However, the discriminatory ability of PFGE is not always high enough to discriminate within certain phage types, and it is not always possible to separate unrelated and related isolates. We have therefore applied multiple locus variable number of tandem repeats analysis (MLVA) for surveillance typing of S. Typhimurium since 2004. In May and June 2005, an outbreak with 26 cases of S. Typhimurium infection was identified by MLVA. The isolates were fully sensitive and had one of the most frequently occurring Danish phage types (DT12) and PFGE types. S. Typhimurium DT12 isolates from routine surveillance of animals and food were typed using MLVA and PFGE for comparison with the human isolates. The typing results revealed that an isolate from a pig herd and its corresponding slaughterhouse located in the same geographic region as the outbreak had the same PFGE and MLVA type as the human isolates. In contrast, all other DT12 isolates investigated, which had the same PFGE profile, had different MLVA types. The conclusion that the pig herd was the source of the human infections was supported by patient information, and pork from the herd stopped entering the market on 29 June. MLVA may contribute significantly to both surveillance and outbreak investigations of S. Typhimurium, as without MLVA typing this outbreak would not have been found nor its origin traced.
An outbreak of Campylobacter jejuni associated with consumption of chicken, Copenhagen, 2005
A Mazick , S Ethelberg , E Møller Nielsen , K Mølbak and M LisbyIn May/June 2005 an outbreak of diarrhoeal illness occurred among company employees in Copenhagen. Cases were reported from seven of eight companies that received food from the same catering kitchen. Stool specimens from three patients from two companies were positive for Campylobacter jejuni. We performed a retrospective cohort study among employees exposed to canteen food in the three largest companies to identify the source of the outbreak and to prevent further spread. Using self-administered questionnaires we collected information on disease, days of canteen food eaten and food items consumed. The catering kitchen was inspected and food samples were taken. Questionnaires were returned by 295/348 (85%) employees. Of 247 employees who ate canteen food, 79 were cases, and the attack rate (AR) was 32%. Consuming canteen food on 25 May was associated with illness (AR 75/204, RR=3.2, 95%CI 1.3-8.2). Consumption of chicken salad on this day, but not other types of food, was associated with illness (AR=43/97, RR=2.3, 95%CI 1.3-4.1). Interviews with kitchen staff indicated the likelihood of cross-contamination from raw chicken to the chicken salad during storage. This is the first recognised major Campylobacter outbreak associated with contaminated chicken documented in Denmark. It is plausible that food handling practices contributed to transmission, and awareness of safe food handling and storage has since been raised among kitchen staff. The low number of positive specimens accrued in this outbreak suggests a general underascertainment of adult cases in the laboratory reporting system by a factor of 20.
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- Euroroundup
Epidemiological and virological assessment of influenza activity in Europe, during the 2004-2005 winter
The 2004-2005 influenza season in Europe started in late December 2004 and the first influenza activity occurred in the west and southwest (Spain, United Kingdom and Ireland). Influenza activity then moved gradually east across Europe during January and early February 2005, and from late February until late March, most movement was south to north. The intensity of clinical influenza activity in ten out of 23 countries was higher than during the 2003-2004 season, and lower or equal to the 2003-2004 season in the other 13 countries. The highest consultation rates were generally observed among children aged 0-14 years. However, the peak consultation rates due to influenza-like illness or acute respiratory infection were not especially high when compared with historical data. The predominant virus strain was influenza A (83% of total detections) of the H3 subtype (85% of H-subtyped A viruses), with fewer influenza B (17% of total detections) or A(H1) viruses (15 % of H-subtyped A viruses) detected. The vast majority of A(H3) viruses were similar to the reference strains A/Wellington/1/2004 (H3N2) and, subsequently, A/California/7/2004 (H3N2) that are closely related drift variants of the A/Fujian/411/2002 (H3N2) prototype vaccine strain. The B viruses co-circulated with A viruses during the whole influenza season in 11 out of 24 countries. Seven of these were located in the northeast of Europe and in these countries the proportion of B viruses was higher (range: 31-60%) than in the rest of Europe (range: 6-26%). In 13 out of 24 countries the B viruses circulated relatively late in the season. About 43% of all antigenically characterised B viruses were B/Hong Kong/330/2001-like (B/Victoria/2/87 lineage), a strain that is distinguishable from the vaccine influenza B strain, which was a B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage virus. Based on the viruses detected worldwide until February 2005, the World Health Organization modified the composition of the 2005-2006 influenza vaccine from the 2004-2005 season vaccine to include a new A(H3N2) component: an A/California/7/2004 (H3N2)-like virus.
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- Surveillance report
Surveillance of human salmonellosis in Bulgaria, 1999-2004: trends, shifts and resistance to antimicrobial agents
G Asseva , P Petrov , I Ivanov and T KantardjievThis article analyses the distribution of resistant salmonella and resistance mechanisms among the most frequently encountered serotypes in Bulgaria. Culture, biochemical tests and serotyping were used for identification. Screening for resistance to 14 antimicrobial agents with the standard Bauer-Kirbi disk-diffusion method. The double disk synergy method was used to determine production of extended-spectrum â-lactamases (ESBL). Transfer of genes coding for ESBLs with experimental conjugation. Specific primers were used for PCR detection of bla-CTX-M, bla-SHV and bla-TEM. 245 resistant salmonella strains were determined in our study; the majority originated from sporadic cases of human illness or asymptomatic infection and the remaining 23 were isolated from outbreaks. 79 producers of ESBL were detected: 5 S. Enteritidis, 1 S. Typhimurium, 9 S. Isangi and 62 S. Corvallis with types of enzymes: CTX-M3, TEM and SHV. Gene coding for extended-spectrum â- lactamases were successfully transferred into a recipient Escherichia coli C1A strain simultaneously with genes coding for resistance to aminoglycosides and sulphonamides (for bla-CTX-M3) and gene coding for resistance to aminoglycosides and chloramphenicol (for bla-SHVand bla-TEM). PCR amplification revealed bla-CTX-M3 genes in S. Enteritidis, and bla-SHV and bla-TEM in S. Corvallis. Salmonellae have revealed increasing resistance to all clinically important groups of antimicrobial agents. Bulgaria is the first country in the world where ESBL in serotype Corvallis has been reported. A wide diversity of resistance genes is found among the leading serotypes of salmonella causing human disease in Bulgaria.
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- Euroroundup
Comparison of the European Union Disease Surveillance Networks’ websites
Currently the surveillance of infectious disease in the European Union (EU) is supported by the Basic Surveillance Network (BSN) and other disease specific surveillance networks (DSNs). Each network has its own website. The objective of the current study was to describe the information presented with public access on each website from the perspective of its usefulness for the surveillance of an EU member state. The BSN and the DSNs cited in Decision 2003/542/CE were included. Each website was reviewed and assessed on the inclusion of characteristics from three broad categories: 1) general information, 2) procedures for data collection and 3) data presentation. Ten surveillance network websites were reviewed during the week of 5 December 2005. At least 80% of the 10 networks included a list of participating countries, the contact addresses for the coordinator of the network and the participating country gatekeepers and the network’s objectives. Only one network specified the source and coverage of the data of each country on its website, and seven presented the disease case definition. Raw data were shown on eight websites and only two networks included presentation of elaborated data for the whole of the EU. Four networks included no reports on their websites. The periodicity of presentation for both raw data and elaborated data varied greatly between networks. The publicly available information on the 10 network websites studied was not homogeneous. We recommend that all networks present a basic set of characteristics on their websites, including case definitions, procedures used for data collection and periodic reports covering elaborated data for the entire EU.
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- Surveillance report
SmiNet-2: Description of an internet-based surveillance system for communicable diseases in Sweden
P Rolfhamre , A Janson , M Arneborn and K EkdahlElectronic systems for communicable diseases surveillance enhance quality by simplifying reporting, improving completeness, and increasing timeliness. In this article we outline the ideas and technologies behind SmiNet-2, a new comprehensive regional/national system for communicable disease surveillance in Sweden. The system allows for reporting from physicians (web form) and laboratories (direct from lab data system) over the internet. Using a unique personal identification number, SmiNet-2 automatically merges clinical and laboratory notifications to case records. Privileged users, at national and county level, work against a common central server containing all notifications and case records. In addition, SmiNet-2 has separate county servers with tools for outbreak investigations, contact tracing and case management. SmiNet-2 was first used in September 2004. Individual counties receive up to 90% of all notifications electronically. In its first year, SmiNet-2 received 54 980 clinical notifications and 32 765 laboratory notifications, which generated 58 891 case records. Since most clinicians in Sweden have easy access to the internet, a general web-based reporting has been feasible, and it is anticipated that within a few years all reporting to SmiNet-2 will be over the internet. In this context, some of the major advantages of SmiNet-2 when compared with other systems are timeliness in the dataflow (up to national level), the full integration of clinical and laboratory notifications, and the capability to handle more than 50 diseases with tailor-made notification forms within one single system.
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- Letter to the Editor
A case of myiasis due to Hypoderma bovis, Lithuania, 2004
This paper describes the first diagnosis of myiasis with identification of the Hypoderma bovis larvae in Lithuania, in 2004.
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