Outbreak report Open Access
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The largest outbreak of salmonellosis in 25 years in Stockholm County occurred during September - October 2006. A total of 115 persons who had a meal at a restaurant in Stockholm were notified as cases of salmonellosis through the Swedish surveillance system. The probable vehicle of the outbreak was mung beans, soaked in lukewarm water for 24 hours before being served at the restaurant. These mung beans had been included in all dishes served in the restaurant and the outbreak was terminated when they were excluded from the menu. Either Salmonella Bareilly or Salmonella Virchow were isolated from affected persons. No person was found to have an infection with both serotypes. The majority of affected persons were females with a median age of 34 years.This and similar outbreaks associated with consumption of vegetables and fruits highlight the increasing importance of fresh produce as vehicle for foodborne outbreaks in Europe.


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