Excess all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in Europe, December 2016 to February 2017
- Lasse S Vestergaard1 , Jens Nielsen1 , Tyra G Krause1 , Laura Espenhain1 , Katrien Tersago2 , Natalia Bustos Sierra2 , Gleb Denissov3 , Kaire Innos3 , Mikko J Virtanen4 , Anne Fouillet5 , Theodore Lytras6 , Anna Paldy7 , Janos Bobvos7 , Lisa Domegan8 , Joan O’Donnell8 , Matteo Scortichini9 , Annamaria de Martino10 , Kathleen England11 , Neville Calleja11 , Liselotte van Asten12 , Anne C Teirlinck12 , Ragnhild Tønnessen13 , Richard A White13 , Susana P Silva14 , Ana P Rodrigues14 , Amparo Larrauri15 , Inmaculada Leon15 , Ahmed Farah16 , Christoph Junker17 , Mary Sinnathamby18 , Richard G Pebody18 , Arlene Reynolds19 , Jennifer Bishop19 , Diane Gross20 , Cornelia Adlhoch21 , Pasi Penttinen21 , Kåre Mølbak1
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium 3 National Institute for Health Development, Tallinn, Estonia 4 National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland 5 French Public Health Agency (Santé Publique France), Saint-Maurice, France 6 Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece 7 National Public Health Center, Budapest, Hungary 8 Health Service Executive - Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland 9 Dipartimento Epidemiologia del S.S.R., Lazio – ASL Roma 1, Rome, Italy 10 Ministero della Salute, Rome, Italy 11 Ministry of Health, Pieta, Malta 12 National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands 13 Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway 14 Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal 15 CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP) Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 16 The Public Health Agency of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden 17 Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel, Switzerland 18 Public Health England, Colindale, United Kingdom 19 Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom 20 WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark 21 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, SwedenLasse S Vestergaardlav ssi.dk
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Citation style for this article: Vestergaard Lasse S, Nielsen Jens, Krause Tyra G, Espenhain Laura, Tersago Katrien, Bustos Sierra Natalia , Denissov Gleb, Innos Kaire, Virtanen Mikko J, Fouillet Anne, Lytras Theodore, Paldy Anna, Bobvos Janos, Domegan Lisa, O’Donnell Joan, Scortichini Matteo, de Martino Annamaria, England Kathleen, Calleja Neville, van Asten Liselotte, Teirlinck Anne C, Tønnessen Ragnhild, White Richard A, P Silva Susana , Rodrigues Ana P, Larrauri Amparo, Leon Inmaculada, Farah Ahmed, Junker Christoph, Sinnathamby Mary, Pebody Richard G, Reynolds Arlene, Bishop Jennifer, Gross Diane, Adlhoch Cornelia, Penttinen Pasi, Mølbak Kåre. Excess all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in Europe, December 2016 to February 2017. Euro Surveill. 2017;22(14):pii=30506. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.14.30506 Received: 10 Mar 2017; Accepted: 06 Apr 2017
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Since December 2016, excess all-cause mortality was observed in many European countries, especially among people aged ≥ 65 years. We estimated all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in 19 European countries/regions. Excess mortality was primarily explained by circulation of influenza virus A(H3N2). Cold weather snaps contributed in some countries. The pattern was similar to the last major influenza A(H3N2) season in 2014/15 in Europe, although starting earlier in line with the early influenza season start.

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