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The Rénarub network, set up in 1976, is the principle source of information on the epidemiology of rubella in France (1, 2). Its objective is to collate, at national level, cases of rubella occurring during pregnancy and congenital rubella, and more widely, to evaluate the impact of vaccination policy and prevention measures put in place in France with the aim of eliminating congenital rubella. The full version of this article is available on the website of the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, including the new case definition, more detailed results (http://www.invs.sante.fr/publications/2003/rubeole_2001/rubbeh_2001.pdf), and a list of laboratories participating in the network (http://www.invs.sante.fr/publications/2003/rubeole_2001/reseau_renarub.htm).


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