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is an emerging hospital pathogen. Whereas isolated from patients or hospitals has been reported, there are few data regarding propagation of viable in the natural environment. This study investigates the occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility of viable in municipal wastewater and its persistence through the wastewater treatment process. A total of 21 isolates were recovered at a secondary type of municipal wastewater treatment plant in Zagreb, Croatia: 15 from raw influent wastewater and six from final effluent. All isolates were carbapenem- and multidrug-resistant. Among 14 isolates tested for genes, all harboured the constitutive gene, while the acquired and genes were found in 10 and three isolates respectively. Six isolates recovered from effluent wastewater multiplied and survived in sterilised effluent wastewater up to 50 days. These findings support the idea that multidrug-resistant can occur and have the ability to survive in the environment.


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