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Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, British Columbia, Canada, October 2013
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsM Murtimichelle.murti fraserhealth.ca
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Citation style for this article: . Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, British Columbia, Canada, October 2013. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(49):pii=20649. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2013.18.49.20649 Received: 15 Nov 2013
We describe a case of vaccine-associated measles in a two-year-old patient from British Columbia, Canada, in October 2013, who received her first dose of measles-containing vaccine 37 days prior to onset of prodromal symptoms. Identification of this delayed vaccine-associated case occurred in the context of an outbreak investigation of a measles cluster.

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