A case of Japanese encephalitis in a 20 year-old Spanish sportsman, February 2013
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Citation style for this article: . A case of Japanese encephalitis in a 20 year-old Spanish sportsman, February 2013. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(35):pii=20573. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2013.18.35.20573 Received: 22 Aug 2013
We report a severe case of imported Japanese encephalitis (JE) in a healthy young Spanish traveller who developed symptoms after spending three weeks in a touristic area of Thailand. The patient was diagnosed in Thailand and subsequently transferred to Barcelona, Spain, where the Thai laboratory results were confirmed based on IgM serology. Although JE is a rare disease in travellers, this case illustrates the need for seeking travel medical advice before visiting tropical countries.

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