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- Volume 8, Issue 44, 28/Oct/2004
Weekly releases (1997–2007) - Volume 8, Issue 44, 28 October 2004
Volume 8, Issue 44, 2004
- Articles
Eagles testing positive for H5N1 imported illegally into Europe from Thailand
C Suetens , R Snacken , G Hanquet , B Brochier , S Maes , I Thomas , F Yane , T van den Berg , S Van Borm and B LambrechtOn 18 October 2004, a Thai man travelling from Bangkok to Brussels was apprehended by customs officials at Brussels international airport, and found to be illegally carrying two mountain hawk eagles (Spizaetus Nipalensis) in his hand luggage
Eighth case of vCJD identified in France was a blood donor
Another case of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has been identified by the surveillance system set up by the Institut de Veille Sanitaire and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in France. This is the eighth case to have been identified in France since 1996
Panton-Valentine leukocidin producing strains associated with serious community acquired S. aureus infection in Ireland
J O'Gorman and M CormicanThree patients in Ireland have been confirmed as having been infected with Panton-Valentine leukocidin-producing community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus (PVL+ MSSA).
Outbreaks of infectious syphilis and other STIs in men who have sex with men in Barcelona, 2002-3
In recent years, rising incidence of sexually transmitted infections, including several outbreaks of infectious syphilis cases, have been reported in major European cities. Around 80% of the cases of infectious syphilis in these outbreaks were diagnosed in men who have sex with men (MSM) engaging in high risk behaviour
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Chikungunya in north-eastern Italy: a summing up of the outbreak
R Angelini , A C Finarelli , P Angelini , C Po , K Petropulacos , G Silvi , P Macini , C Fortuna , G Venturi , F Magurano , C Fiorentini , A Marchi , E Benedetti , P Bucci , S Boros , R Romi , G Majori , M G Ciufolini , L Nicoletti , G Rezza and A Cassone
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