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- Volume 11, Issue 7, 16/Feb/2006
Weekly releases (1997–2007) - Volume 11, Issue 7, 16 February 2006
Volume 11, Issue 7, 2006
- Articles
Avian influenza detected in swans in central Europe, and continues spread in Nigeria
In the past two days, swans infected with avian influenza H5 have been detected in southern Hungary, Austria
Clinical influenza activity in Europe is still low, with influenza B virus being dominant: an update from EISS
A Meijer , J M Falcão , J C de Jong , J Kyncl , T J Meerhoff , L. E. Meuwissen , A Nicoll , J Van Der Velden and W J PagetUp to week 5 of 2006, the numbers of consultations for influenza-like illness (ILI) or acute respiratory infection (ARI) have been low
Anthrax in animals and a farmer in Alto Adige, Italy
P Kreidl , E Stifter , A Richter , R Aschbacher , F Nienstedt , H Unterhuber , S Barone , H. P. Huemer , A Carattoli , L Moroder , M Ciofi Degli Atti , M C Rota , G Morosetti and C LarcherBetween 21 and 29 December 2005, seven animals (1 bull, 1 cow, 1 sheep and 4 goats) died within 2 hours of becoming ill on a remote farm (1500 m above sea level) in Alto Adige, northern Italy
HIV and STIs increasing in the Netherlands according to latest surveillance data
In 2004, numbers of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) increased in the Netherlands compared with 2003
EPIET programme seeking a scientific programme coordinator
The European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET, http://www.epiet.org) is looking for a third scientific coordinator
Erratum for: Euro Surveill 2006;11(2):E060209.2
In the 9 February article New case of transfusion-associated vCJD in the United Kingdom
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Chikungunya in north-eastern Italy: a summing up of the outbreak
R Angelini , A C Finarelli , P Angelini , C Po , K Petropulacos , G Silvi , P Macini , C Fortuna , G Venturi , F Magurano , C Fiorentini , A Marchi , E Benedetti , P Bucci , S Boros , R Romi , G Majori , M G Ciufolini , L Nicoletti , G Rezza and A Cassone
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