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VTEC 2003: fifth international symposium on Vero cytotoxigenic E. coli to be held June 2003
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Citation style for this article: . VTEC 2003: fifth international symposium on Vero cytotoxigenic E. coli to be held June 2003. Euro Surveill. 2002;6(22):pii=2091.
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The fifth triennial international symposium on Vero cytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) infections (VTEC 2003) will take place in Edinburgh in between 8 and 13 June 2003. It will be a showcase for the latest research on VTEC infections from around the world and will build on the success of the 1997 conference in Baltimore, USA, and more recently in Kyoto, Japan, in 2000.

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